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Monday 06 June 2011

“Digital Marketing is not about solving a puzzle. Instead, digital is about building a ‘real’ puzzle out of unique content, so that at the end, people can formally play with it”- Paola Peretti 

In chapter 10 of my book you will find 10 Italian case studies, it was great to work with companies like Diesel, Purina, Nestle Professional, Amplifon, 3M, Vichy, ecc. I had the chance to see how companies are evolving and how digital marketing is affecting they way marketers work and approach this new space. I felt good, the energy around digital is unique and I think that at the end of the day that’s why we are crazy for it… digital marketing is able to spread positivisms around the world! Go digital…Go crazy for digital!

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Monday 06 June 2011

Digital Marketing pushes for a business challenge: 5 things companies have to consider 

  1. Corporate culture
  2. Customer information
    1. Sales data
    2. Customer research
  3. Managing expectations
    1. Time frame, budget, capabilities
  4. Department fragmentation
  5. Semantics: what is ROI? How to measure and define KPI? Find out how on Chapter 9 of my book “Marketing Digitale”…buy it here 
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Monday 06 June 2011

Digital Marketing: 2012 Trends 

  • Everything Is Social: Unique experiences, high customization, social commerce
  • Everything Is Mobile: apps, devices, html5
  • Everything Is Connected: APIS, OpenID, etc. > Data Portability, Google TV
  • Everything Is Tracked: Analytics, Behavioral, Contextual


Source: B. Rupczynski, “Crazy for Digital Marketing” Event, Milan (Sept., 2010)

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Monday 06 June 2011

Digital Marketing: 10 Guiding Principles 

  1. It’s not a single channel, it’s many. The more connections between channels, the stronger the ecosystem, and the bigger the share of voice online.
  2. Embrace the fact that consumers are in control
  3. Listen to them and learn from them on a regular basis.
  4. Create brand experiences, not just impressions.
  5. Create a platform idea and focus each medium in helping to tell the story.
  6. Tell brand stories that engage and involve consumers. 
  7. Define distinct channel roles. Each channel should have it’s own role in the ecosystem to avoid content overlap and duplication, and maximize the channel’s unique functionality.
  8. Designate a bridge between world’s. Find the relevant point of intersection between what is relevant and what is not.
  9. No dead ends. The more connections between channels, the stronger the ecosystem, and the bigger the share of voice online.
  10. Ensure flexibility and sustainability. The system needs to be stretchable and allow for future growth and evolution. Digital is sustainable: transparent, social and democratic, keep this in mind.

By Paola Peretti

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Monday 06 June 2011

This is the beginning of my book and something that marketers have to understand…”No longer can brands expect to “tell” and “sell” in their marketing communications and be as effective as they once were. To be effective with a digital consumer, brands must seek to build relationships with them by creating experiences that make them WANT to engage your brand”. Trust me! Digital marketing is simply amazing! “Companies intending to be relevant today must learn the art of creating experience that genuinely engage their customers”. (

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Thursday 26 May 2011

Today is a great day! I do my first speech at Bocconi University around 12:00pm (during the congress “Dal dire al fare” - #1 CSR event in Italy) together with Giulia Fiumi, special guest. We will discuss about “Digital and sustainability”. Our goal is to convince people that digital marketing is social, democrat and transparent. Feel free to join us!! At 9:30am I’ll receive the very first copy of my digital marketing book….OMG! Stay tuned!


A good post about “Digital Opportunities for Sustainability Leadership” – Come on read and join the conversation!


Watch the streaming video from today's special event

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Friday 06 May 2011

This is a real countdown: -16 days to my birthday, -17 days to my event at Catholic University, -18 days and my “Digital Marketing” book will be on the shelves! And just few seconds and this blog will be online…a space dedicated to everybody who loves digital like myself!

The word ‘crazy’ means a lot of things: addictive, passionate, evangelists, curious, explorers…or simply completely crazy. At the end of the day I feel exactly like this, ready to share with you why and how a person like me, who worked and loved magazines for so many years, one day opened her eyes and became digital or better crazy for digital!


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