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Wednesday 20 July 2011

Welcome back to the crazy for digital marketing world! Today I'm analyzing an italian social e-commerce platform called blomming. Go and surf on their web site I think it's very interesting...I love the structure "publish"+"share"+"sell". I know they have a strong plan to grow in the future and they just hired a new AD (Matteo Cascinari, see the news I strongly believe they have a huge potential and I'll check in the next months what's going on with them...stay tuned! Go digital! Paola

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Saturday 11 June 2011

Aziende, è il tempo di ascoltare
Basta promesse ai clienti. Online le loro abitudini e passioni

Le aziende italiane non sanno ascoltare, non si impegnano a semplificare la vita del cliente, non sono abbastanza digital: in altre parole il marketing aziendale deve smettere di promettere, deve deliberare trasformando così la fiducia in fedeltà. Naturalmente in questo scenario ci... Read more

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Saturday 11 June 2011

Paola Peretti, dedica ad Angelo Maria Perrino 

Paola Peretti rientrata in Italia da un anno e mezzo, lavora prima per il Gruppo Natuzzi e da maggio 2010 diventa Senior Vice-President Digital Services di Fleishman Hillard, leader globale in marketing e comunicazione, agenzia di pubbliche relazioni americana tra le piu' importanti e conosciute nel... Read more 

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Saturday 11 June 2011

Marketing digitale, scenari, strategie, strumenti  

L'evoluzione del mondo digitale - l'affermarsi dei social network, delle pratiche di e-commerce, lo sviluppo del settore mobile ha comportato notevoli mutamenti nel campo del marketing. La comunicazione tra azienda e consumatori, tramite l'instaurarsi di relazioni dirette e interazioni basate su... Read more 

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Thursday 09 June 2011

Thank you guys! The presentation was great and I’m so happy and proud of my crazy4digital team. Sometimes I feel that this is the best job in the world. Thanks Steve jobs for your vision…

this video is really impressive. What’s your digital lifestyle? Go go go!

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Monday 06 June 2011

The social web, and all social media that operate within it, is a way of thinking as opposed to a new channel. Itʼs not about sales, or ads, or click-through rates. Itʼs about pursuing relationships and fostering communities of consumers. Itʼs about re-thinking how you make plans when your customers are in the center and in control. But remember that the critical factor to succeed is to understand behaviours, not technology. When thinking about how the web is changing, many people, in a wrong way, focus on the technology. People are using technologies every day that didnʼt exist a few years ago. But the people using it donʼt care about the technology; they care about the communication that the technology enables. It’s all about us…that’s how I feel, how do you feel?

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