The web is undergoing a fundamental change

Luned́ 06 Giugno 2011

The social web, and all social media that operate within it, is a way of thinking as opposed to a new channel. Itʼs not about sales, or ads, or click-through rates. Itʼs about pursuing relationships and fostering communities of consumers. Itʼs about re-thinking how you make plans when your customers are in the center and in control. But remember that the critical factor to succeed is to understand behaviours, not technology. When thinking about how the web is changing, many people, in a wrong way, focus on the technology. People are using technologies every day that didnʼt exist a few years ago. But the people using it donʼt care about the technology; they care about the communication that the technology enables. It’s all about us…that’s how I feel, how do you feel?

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