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Wednesday 02 November 2011

We are working on the new version of our crazy for digital marketing web site and community, so please stay tuned!

Paola & Co.

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Sunday 04 September 2011

Digital Marketing Hubs/ Il futuro delle aziende è il social commerce: una scommessa che Facebook intende vincere...

"La maggior parte delle persone con cui mi confronto in Italia hanno una visione di Facebook molto ridotta". Nella prima puntata di "Digital Marketing Hubs", la nuova rubrica di, Paola Peretti, (digital marketing strategist, autrice del recente libro “Marketing Digitale”) si interroga sul futuro di Facebook, che da social network numero uno al mondo può trasformarsi nel social commerce numero uno al mondo, magari insieme ad Amazon...

Giovedí 01.09.2011 15:24
LA NUOVA RUBRICA DI AFFARITALIANI.IT/ Un vero e proprio incubatore di spunti digitali in cui, Paola Peretti, digital marketing strategist e autrice del recente libro “Marketing Digitale”, racconta fatti, personaggi e idee di questo mondo in continua e-voluzione.
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Monday 15 August 2011

My crazy for digital marketing friends, first of all thank you so much for all your positive comments on my book! I do really appreciate that and I'm glad that digital marketing has new fans! Right now I'm working from US to study and capture new trends and I'll post soon some good stuff! I can anticipate you something...Facebook is really moving to social commerce, there are some new market sharing web sites for B2B that are great, Google + is not moving fast, in hospitals here in US they use Twitter to anticipate things and improve customer service in the emergency rooms! Twitter is everywhere and go to NY in Time Square to see how the geo-localization is working great with discounts and guys, stay tuned and talk to you soon!!


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Thursday 28 July 2011

Look at that:

It's simply AMAZING...I can't wait to read it!

S.E.O. HorrorWeb analutics horrorWeb marketing horrorGoogle AdWords horrorEmail marketing horrorEcommerce marketing horro

And enjoy your summer...sorry your crazy for digital marketing summer! Stay tuned...p.

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Wednesday 20 July 2011 Go and have a look! Very simple, easy to use...I like the "quick shop" bottom...I'll put more social elements on it (Like, Share, etc.) but I'm sure it's just the beginnig for Ducati within the digital world...stay tuned!

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Wednesday 20 July 2011

Mobile & Digital...Go Go Go! Read this news about Finelco (Radio 105, Radio Monte Carlo, Virgin Radio) going mobile...that's great!

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Wednesday 20 July 2011

Social Marketing Analytics Framework


Tonight I'm working on a paper for my PhD that is focused on "KPI and web analytics" to evaluate digital marketing & communication results. I decided to re-read the frameworked presented by Altimeter last year (see and share the article I think that is really good, right now we just have to go on a more detailed version with some "numbers" on the side that will help marketers to understand the situation and learn from it. More details on chapter 9 of my "Digital Marketing" book...:-) paola

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